Thursday, May 12, 2016

Commentary Review #2, "Courts & Toilets."

In this commentary I'm review today is classmate Jennifer Silva, Taking Culture Wars to the Toilets. This original article talks about gender identity issues involving using the restroom.

Since this addresses about a public grocery store, from a point of view the "issue" is understandable. Of course, a bunch of people of any notion will enter the store. Unlike a small restaurant where you immediately see the person who enters. So I could see how it could make Parents nervous since public bathrooms are more or less private. I agree with Jennifer, you could never be too safe.

But I believe that transgenders should be able to use the bathroom to the gender that they say they are. It’s a person identity. It’s a concept of who they are. I think that adding in that men who falsely dress up as women and go into the women's bathroom is just supporting a fear that is not related to the transgender community. If a man did that, then that's a different court problem that involves mentally ill perverts, not self-identity or civil rights.

Look the only reason why anyone would go to the bathroom is to use the bathroom. There are no interviews going on in there. You get in and you get out.

What I find ridiculous for Texas to do is to try to pass a bill.  Specifically speaking according to KXAN article, "House Bill 1748 authored by Rep. Debbie Riddle (R-Spring) says if someone over the age of seven uses a bathroom that doesn’t match their gender, they can be charged with a felony." I feel like that is an excessive ordeal and inappropriate.  Okay...How does this not apply to mothers bringing in their toddler sons into the women's bathroom? If a transgender goes into the bathroom then that's their goal is to use the restroom. Ask no questions, keep bathroom issues out of the court house.

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